7 AUGUST 2018
9.00am - 5.00pm
RM250 PAM Members
RM350 non-PAM Members
RM100 Students (Studying Locally)
RM400 International Participants
For further enquiry on paper submission
please contact: Seminar Secretariat
Ati Rosemary Mohd Ariffin (+6017-653 8022)
Nurul Alia Ahamad (+6012-254 6557)
Christal Wong (+6017-363 9936)
Email: pameduseminar@gmail.com
Deadline extended to 11 May 2018
the future of
A gap exists between the academic world from the practice of architecture that has led to calls for preemptive measures to examine possibilities of new relationships between academia and industry. New models of education, prohibitive tuition fees that focus on overheads instead of student learning, the rise of sub-consultants and contractor-led forms of procurement and fewer job opportunities in the profession are some of the emerging issues that call for re-thinking of the future of architectural education and its relation to practice.
In Malaysia, the launch of the PAM International Architectural Education Conference 2018 is timely to address a globalized phenomenon affecting a national concern as it has been rated as the 9th most in-demand job in Malaysia . As an engine of philosophical, economic and cultural advancement, the importance of Architecture in the scale of development of any country and its citizens cannot be ignored. As an initiative to offer solutions between architectural education and practice, the PAM International Architectural Education Conference 2018 seeks ideas and contributions of academicians and practitioners to forge a reciprocal relationship to enrich education providers, students, graduates, professionals and the general public.
This one-day conference will seek to explore the following main questions:
(1) What does the field of architectural education look like in and across different national contexts?
(2) How do we move closer to an understanding of transformations and constants in architectural education in the past, present and future?
(3) How do we understand changing relations between architecture, socio-economic landscape and pedagogy?
Participants will be offered the chance to contribute to the conference in various roles: they can discuss keynotes, produce a poster presentation, or as a speaker with short presentations touching upon subjects under the sub-themes. The main theme for this event is The Future of Architectural Education & Practice; leading to the three sub-themes for the PAM International Architectural Education Conference 2018.
Survey published on 23 March 2017 (https://eduadvisor.my/articles/demand-jobs-malaysia-right-now/)
1. Architecture and Education for Tomorrow
2. Architecture and Internet of Things
3. Practice and Apprentice
Exploring methods adaptable to architectural education in terms of values, pedagogy, amenities, spatial needs.
Session A
Addressing the convenience, exploitation and way forward of IoT (Internet of Things) in education and practice of architecture.
Session B
Discovering more effective methods of apprenticeship for graduates to adapt and excel in practice
Session C
Session A: Architecture and Education for Tomorrow
Innovative approaches to architectural education
Peer-to-peer knowledge
Pedagogical strategies and tactics
Pedagogy and methodology of architectural education
Alternative education
Creative activities
Collaborative teaching
Exchange programmes for students and university staff
Integration of cross-cultural studies in the architectural curriculum
Assessment and evaluation of design
Amenities and space requirements for architectural courses
Imaginative Education
Cross-disciplinary areas of Education
Workplace Learning and Collaborative Learning
Education Policy and Leadership
Academic Advising and Counselling
New Challenges in Education
Links between Education and Research
Academic Experiences and Best Practice Contributions
Curriculum Design
Supervising and Managing Student Projects
Blended Education
Evaluation and Assessment
Alternative Assessment
Session B: Architecture and Internet of Things
The role of education in creating information society and technologies
E-learning: projects and results
Developing e-learning methods for architectural education
Provisions and allowance of technology in the architectural courses
Exploration of IoT in architectural courses
Media literacy and education
Multi-Virtual Environment
Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)
Educational Games and Software
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Videos for Learning and Educational Multimedia
Animation, 3D, and Web 3D Applications
Assessment Software Tools
Cybergogy, Peeragogy, Heutagogy
Smart classroom
Session C: Practice and Apprentice
Lifelong learning
Industrial experiences
Training industry best practice
Culture and team management in the practice
Vocational education & training
University/Industry/Government: collaborative partnership in teaching
Adult and continuing education
Industrial Cooperation
Work Employability
Human Resource Development
4IR - 4th industrial revolution impact on practice & architectural training
The future-proof graduates
The topics are not restricted to the given list. All abstract and paper / poster acceptance are based on the discretion of the reviewers.
Keynote Speakers
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ar Hj Esa Hj Mohamed
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ar Esa Mohamed, an Architect-Planner, founder and the Managing Director of Akitek Jururancang (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (AJM), a well established architectural and planning consultancy firm, which was responsible for several prestigious planning and architectural projects in Malaysia; Subang Jaya Township, Kuala Lumpur Master Plan, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), the Putrajaya Administrative Capital City Master Plan and the Kuala Lumpur TRX Master plan. He was also involved in several major works in China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Assoc. Prof. Cheah Kok Ming (NUS)
In his twelve years of service, he has won 3 Teaching Excellence Awards conferred by the School of Design & Environment and 2 Annual Teaching Excellence Awards presented by NUS. In 2011, he received the Outstanding Educator Award from NUS. He served in the NUS Teaching Academy from 2012 to 2014. He rejoined to serve the Teaching Academy for another term in 2018. Prior to this, he has taught in the Polytechnic from 2000 to 2006. His contributions to practice-oriented pedagogy in Singapore Polytechnic were recognized with 4 teaching accolades.